
Alaskan Malamute 400

To Alaskan Malamute είναι μια από τις αρχαιότερες ράτσες σκύλων, η οποία αναπτύχθηκε αρχικά στην Αλάσκα. Είναι σκυλιά με πολύ δυνατό κορμό, που συνήθως χρησιμοποιούνται για να τραβάνε έλκηθρα, πολύ γνωστά για την δύναμη και την αντοχή τους.

H φετινή – μεγαλύτερη – διαδρομή των 400 χλμ δανείστηκε το όνομα του συγκεκριμένου σκύλου γιατί, όπως και τα Malamute, απαιτεί μεγάλη αντοχή και πολύ δύναμη για να ολοκληρωθεί.


Το Alaskan Malamute αποτελεί πάντα την μεγαλύτερη και πιο απαιτητική διαδρομή της εκδήλωσης.  Φέτος η διαδρομή περιλαμβάνει 400 χλμ και περίπου 5000 μ. θετικών υψομετρικών, άρα απαιτεί πολύ καλή φόρμα, επιμονή και υπομονή.

Η δυσκολία έγκειται στο γεγονός ότι οι περισσότεροι από εσάς, θα πρέπει να περάσουν όλη τη νύχτα πάνω στη σέλα, σε συνθήκες ελάχιστου φωτισμού και αρκετής υγρασίας. Επομένως θα πρέπει να είστε εξοικειωμένοι σε τέτοιες συνθήκες.

Τέλος, σαν προαπαιτούμενο για τη συμμετοχής σας, θα πρέπει να έχετε πάρει μέρος τουλάχιστον σε ένα 300αρι μπρεβέ (η συμμετοχή σε 200ρι θεωρείται δεδομένη).

Η διαδρομή

Η διαδρομή μιμείται το Greek Sheperd 200, με την ανάβαση της Βίγλας και την κατάβαση προς Καστοριά. Από εκεί και πέρα διαφοροποιείται, γιατί συνεχίζει στην Π.Ε.Ο. προς Σιάτιστα, χωρίς ποτέ να φτάσει εκεί, γιατί συνεχίζει δυτικά προς Γρεβενά.

Από εκεί, περνάμε πάνω από την Εγνατία και συνεχίζουμε για Καλαμπάκα, στρίβοντας ανατολικά προς τα χωριά που θα μας φέρουν τελικά στην λίμνη Πολύφυτου και στα Σέρβια.

Η πορεία πλέον είναι μόνο προς Βορρά. Περνάμε έξω από Κοζάνη, και να κάνουμε την προτελευταία μας στάση στην Πτολεμαΐδα, προτού ο γύρος της λίμνης Βεγορίτιδας, μας φέρει στον τερματισμό μας, στη Φλώρινα.

Στοιχεια Διαδρομης


Ημερομηνία: Παρασκευή 28 Ιουνίου 2024

Εκκίνηση: Νέο Πάρκο Φλώρινας, 18:00

Τερματισμός: Νέο Πάρκο Φλώρινας

Απόσταση: 400 χλμ

Υψομετρικά: 5000 μ

Μέγιστος Χρόνος Ολοκλήρωσης: 27 ώρες, Σάββατο 21:00


Ανάβαση Βίγλας: 19 χλμ, μέση 4.6%, μέγιστη 11%

Ανάβαση Ταξιάρχης: 5 χλμ, μέση 4%, μέγιστη 8%

Ανάβαση Ελευθεροχώρι: 5,5 χλμ, μέση 5%, μέγιστη 6%

Ανάβαση Λαζαράδες: 3,5 χλ, μέση 6.2%, μέγιστη 10%

Ανάβαση Μαρμαράδικο: 2,4 χλμ, μέση 7%, μέγιστη 9%

Λόφος Κλειδιού: 5 χλμ, μέση 4%, μέγιστη 5%


Σημεια Ελεγχου



Τοποθεσία: Φλώρινα

Σημείο Εκκίνησης: Νέο Πάρκο Φλώρινας

Άνοιγμα: 18:00 Κλείσιμο: 19:00


Τοποθεσία:  Καστοριά

Σημείο Ελέγχου: Κύκλος

Απόσταση: 69ο χλμ

Άνοιγμα: 19:30 Κλείσιμο: 22:40


Τοποθεσία: Γρεβενά

Σημείο Ελέγχου:

Απόσταση: 148ο χλμ

Άνοιγμα: 22:56 Κλείσιμο: 29/8 03:52



Σημείο Ελέγχου:


Άνοιγμα: 29/8 02:00 Κλείσιμο: 13:00


Τοποθεσία: Πτολεμαΐδα

Σημείο Ελέγχου: Cross Cafe

Απόσταση: Περίπου 420 χλμ

Άνοιγμα: 29/8 06:00 Κλείσιμο: 21:00


Τοποθεσία: Φλώρινα

Σημείο Τερματισμού: Rivo All Day Cafe

Άνοιγμα: 29/8 09:00 Κλείσιμο: 30/8 02:00



Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, originally developed in Alaska.They are dogs with a very strong torso, usually used to pull a sleigh, well known for their strength and endurance.

The 500 km route borrowed the name of that dog because, like Malamute, one requires a lot of strength and a lot of stamina to complete it.It is the most difficult route of Epic Rides #2.

A few words

You will need to pass 4 CP where you will seal your card.

All Epic Rides Rules apply, as listed on the relevant page. Here are all possible ascents from where you can pass.



Date: Saturday 28 August 2020

Start: Central Square, 17:00

Finish: Rivo cafe

distance: About 500 Km

Total ascent: 5800 m [min] and 6550 m [max] depending on the chosen route

Maximum Time of Completion: 33 hours, Sunday 02:00




Vigla Ascent: 19 Km, avg 4.6%, max 11%

Vitsi Ascent: 20 Km, avg 6.3%, max 12%

Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 10 Km, avg 5.5%, max 10%

Edessa Ascent: 10 Km, avg 3%, max 12%

Veria – Zoodochos Pigi Ascent: 25 Km, avg 6%, max 13%



There are 5 alternative routes. You choose the route you want, combining the length of the route with max elevation.

Control points remain the same:

Control Points



Location: Florina

Control point: Central Square

Open: 17:00 Close: 18:00

CP 1

Location: Nestorio

Control point:

Distance: About 85 Km

Open: 19:30 Close: 22:40

CP 2

Location: Grevena

Control Point:

Distance: About 165 Km

Open: 22:00 Close: 29/8 04:00

CP 3

Location: Alexandria

Control Point:

Distance: About 300 km

Open: 29/8 02:00 Close: 13:00

CP 4

Location: Ptolemaida

Control Point: Cross Cafe

Distance: About 420 km

Open: 29/8 06:00 Close: 21:00


Location: Florina

Control point: Rivo All Day Cafe

Open: 29/8 09:00 Close: 30/8 02:00

Map of CP


Alaskan Malamute 500